Year May 2020

- Measurements 200 cm wide x 100 cm high

- Technique: Acrylic painted on fabric and mounted on wooden board

- Price 3,500 euros

- Painted in Petrés Valencia.
- Theme: Navy. Boat fishing for a sea bream. Tribute to the Valencian Mediterranean Sea.
The wind blows in an east-west direction, stretching and fragmenting the image of the schooner's sails. At the same time, the wind that blows on the surface of the sea is contrary to the first. It blows in a west-east direction, lifting and "prancing" the sea. The waves grow above the schooner itself in an aggressive and threatening manner.

The waves search for the light of dawn, that light of freedom, that desperate cry of infinite loneliness, of longing for the love of the dreamed woman, of longing for lost friends. The author seeks to express all the intended drama in the sharp needles of the waves and their backlights. The fishing line that joins the schooner to the fish unites the composition while creating the compositional tension sought by the artist. The buoy and fish painted in the foreground provide the necessary depth.
Missing work.


- Measurements 100 cm high x 0.80 cm wide.

- Technique: oil on canvas

- Price 1,000 euros

- Pictorial style: Figurative surrealism.

- Argumentation: The woman turns her back to the viewer. Her contemplative position invites us to dream, to share our interior with her. To feel like protagonists of the work. The author invites us to enter the work. To participate contemplatively in the beautiful landscapes.

- The figure of the woman is a tribute to the great Russian filmmaker, Tharkovsky.

She-she is sitting in the most fragile position possible: on some branches or trunks. Despite her difficult balance, she maintains her serenity and inner peace. She gives us a sense of the life force of her; Nothing will make him falter when it comes to achieving his dreams and ambitions. Again a tribute and admiration from the artist towards women.

-The mountainous landscape of grain tones, framed and partial that she enjoys, is in reality, a mirror that reflects the back of the scene.


- Measurements 100 cm high x 0.80 cm wide

- Technique: oil on canvas

- Price 1,000 euros


- Measurements 130.5 cm wide x 97.5 cm high

- Technique: Oil and acrylic. Gesso on wooden board

- Price: 2,500 euros

- Painted in Petrés, Valencia

- Theme: A living room from the 60s.

- The objects in the living room, such as the large sofa that snakes to create a rhythm, transmit their silhouettes and curvatures onto the carpet that rests in the center of the living room and at the same time guide the viewer's gaze towards the windows. A set of three chairs play balance in unstable positions and immediate fall. The stillness of its hanging lamp balances the scene.

- A window leads the view to the outside.

- Tonal range of complementary colors that give the work the necessary vibration.

- The artist's intentional play on the lamps and spheres distributed throughout the work.

- Forced conical perspectives to give rhythm and strength to the work and at the same time compensated by the verticality of the bars in the background and the lamps.

- Play of lights radiated from the lamps on the overall scene of the living room.

- Pictorial style: Figurative surrealism.

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